Apollo Micro Systems: Thriving in Aerospace & Defence - 7 Key Highlights

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Apollo Micro Systems Ltd is leading the way in electronic and electro-mechanical solutions.

Mr. Karunakar Reddy Baddam backs the new venture with 1,400 Equity Shares. Apollo Defence Industries to partner with domestic and international firms for defense projects.

Revenue and profitability soar, with a 29.19% surge in operating profit. Annual results show net sales up by 1.13% and net profit by 28.18% in FY23.

Final dividend of 0.025 per equity share declared for 2022-2023. Face value reduced from Rs 10 to Rs 1; ex-stock split trading since May 05, 2023.

Apollo Micro Systems' shares at Rs 53.87 with a market cap of 1,250 crore.

Impressive Returns: Investors witness a staggering 200% growth in just 1 year.

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