Soothing Your Tummy Problem: 10 Best Light Foods for Upset Stomach

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Their gentle fiber and potassium help ease digestion and replenish lost nutrients.



Plain white rice is bland and easy on the stomach, ideal for calming digestive discomfort.


Opt for unsweetened applesauce to soothe an upset tummy while providing essential vitamins.


A warm bowl of plain oatmeal can help absorb excess stomach acid and provide sustained energy.

Boiled Potatoes

A warm bowl of plain oatmeal can help absorb excess stomach acid and provide sustained energy.

Ginger Tea

Known for its anti-nausea properties, ginger tea can provide relief from stomach discomfort.

Broth-Based Soups

Chicken or vegetable broth-based soups are hydrating and easy on the stomach.


Opt for plain, probiotic-rich yogurt to promote a healthy gut and soothe digestive issues.

Herbal Teas  (Peppermint or Chamomile)

These teas can aid digestion and alleviate nausea.

Boiled Eggs

Easily digestible and a good source of protein, boiled eggs can provide sustenance without overwhelming your stomach.

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